Easy Way to Build Fail Stacks Bdo Rebleth Gear

Last Edit : Jul 11, 2020, 01:08

# 1

I am not claiming this is the best failstacking method but it is my own.
EDIT: I changed the failstacks for Tuvala Gear as @ MeisterBlack has provided a better failstack amount for the enchancements than what I had originally. Thank you for your input.
EDIT2: I stated before that extracting failstacks removes your valks/fairyblessing enchancement chance. I was wrong about this, thank you Mirim for pointing that out.

Table of Contents:

A. What are failstacks? And how are they helpful?

B. How to get failstacks?

C. What Items to prepare?

D. Failstacks I use for each enchancements

E. The Method

F. Item Popped to +15?
G. Season Character? Failstacking with Tuvala and more!
H. Extracting Failstack

DISCLAIMER: This failstacking method is only up to 100 FS which is already a good TET accessory stack in my opinion. Getting a HIGHER stack is too RNG.

A. What are failstacks? And how are they helpful?

Failstacks give an increased percentage of your chance to succeed for enchancing. Failing to enchance an item after PRI will cause the item to degrade and lose durability, however if you are enchancing accessories it will break. The only way to get around this is using cron stones. Cron stones will equal to the value of your current item's max marketplace value so I do not advise it unless you're softcap and have 20b in silver extra. You should use failstacks to lessen the amount of silver you spend in repairing your items or buying new accessories.
(Croning TRI is advisable if you have alot of TRI stacks, but don't cron TET. Cron for PEN and TRI only IMO)
UPDATE: BDO actually gives a decent amount of Cron Stones for free so use if you want, but I would save it for PEN attempts and dream horse attempts. You can also buy costumes with pearls or pre order in the central market to get more Crons out of your silver by melting them at the blacksmith.

B. How to get the failstacks?

Failstacks are gained by obviously failing an enchancement.
+5-+15/+7-+15 = 1 fs added

+15-Pri = 2 fs added

Pri-Duo = 3 fs added

Duo-Tri = 4 fs added

Tri-Tet = 5 fs added

Tet-Pen = 6fs added

Accessories = always 1 fs no matter the enchancement level.

Advice of Valks
advice of valks
Advice of Valks are premade failstacks that you can use on a character that has 0 Failstacks, asides from Permanent Failstack Increase and Valk's Cry/Fairy's Blessing Increase. The way to get this is mostly from events / Black Spirit's Adventure / Attendance Reward / Dark Spirit's Greed from Dark Rifts / Dragon Scale Fossil / and Extracting Failstacks from a character, which we will go more into later in this guide.

dark rift dragon scale
Valk's Cry and Fairy's Blessing
Valk's Cry Fairy's Blessing
These two items will allow you to add up to 10 more failstacks to your current failstack amount with a press of a button.
Valk's Cry is gained from events / Pearl Shop / Loyalty Shop.
Fairy's Blessing is gained from exchanging 10 Laila's Petal(Which you get from killing mobs/fishing/gathering) at Kamasylvia Temple.


Permanent Failstack Increase

You can have up to 5 permanent Failstack Increase, so you will start from 5 failstacks always once you have these. This is gained from doing Rulupee's Adventure Journal and doing quests. NOTE: Rulupee's Journal only counts one-time quests. Daily/Recurring do NOT count.
More info here: Grumpy Green Cricket's Rulupee Travel Log Guide

C. What items to prepare?

NOTE: Reblath can be bought from the Velia blacksmith for 12k-15k silver / Militia Weapon can be bought from Alfredo in Velia also.
tranan underfoe velia arms dealer
Cheap Route (More RNG based because reblath sometimes pop +15 at 0 fs)

Bring: 1 or more +14 Reblath armor/helmet/shoes/gloves (Make it yourself just smash it to +14)
All your blackstone armors.
Bring: 1 or more +14 Militia Mainhand/Offhand (Make it yourself just smash it to +14)
All your blackstone weapon.

Relatively Cheap Route

 (Mixing green gear will allow an easier way to get the failstacks but is more expensive)

Bring:1 +14 Reblath/Militia

1 +14Cheap and AbundantGreen Armor

1 +14Cheap and AbundantGreen Weapon/Offhand

All your blackstone armors

Decent amount of blackstone weapons.

For 20+ FS:
You can now use Pri Duo Tri Reblaths/Green Weapon/Armor now.
As to why we want to use these when reblath/milita/etc. has a lower percent of passing and cheaper, Pri Duo Tri gives MORE failstacks per fail and we will be able to use these to grow the fail stack even further.

D. Failstacks I use for each enchancement

Now personally this is the failstacks I use.
Green Gear:

0-15 = Smash
Pri = 10-20 FS
Duo = 15-30 FS

Tri = 27-40 FS
Tet = 40-70 FS
Pen = 70+

Boss Gear:

0-15 = Current enchance level + 3 (+10 = 13 FS)

Pri = 15 FS

Duo = 20 FS

Tri = 35 FS

Tet = 55FS

0-10 10 FS
+11 20 FS
+12 30 FS
+13-15 FORCE
+15-PRI 20 FS
Pri-Duo 25 FS
Duo-Tri 60 FS
Tri-Tet 120 FS


Pri = 20 FS

Duo = 40 FS

Tri = 45 FS

Tet = 100FS

Pen = 250+
(Special Case) Expensive Accessories such as BDE and Tungrad):

NOTE: Enchancement percentages are the same but you would like to overstack since it costs alot to buy and rare for it to drop.

Pri = 30 FS

Duo = 45 FS

Tri = 60 FS

Tet = 120FS

E. The Method

Cheap Route

Smash your +14 reblath from 0 to 30 FS or how however much FS you need.

Max is 30 FS

Relatively Cheap Route

Use your +14 Reblath up to 20 FS or

Use your +14 green armor up to 20 FS(USE DURABILITY MODE NOT ENCHANCE) or
Use your +14 green weapon up to 20 FS(USE DURABILITY MODE NOT ENCHANCE)

Fail DUO to get to 30-35 FS
Fail TRI to get 45 FS
Fail TET to get 60 FS(or more if you wanna try your luck)
Fail PEN to get even further beyond

F. Item Popped to +15?

Now there are 2 ways to downgrade your failstacking item.
1. Oldschool Negative Karma -

You have to make a Negative Karma character. Have it equip your +15 failstacking item and die from the town guards repeatedly until it downgrades.
Pros - Free, Get back 1 blackstone when it downgrades

Cons - It takes a little preparation and based on RNG can take you a long time

2. Degrading NPC -

Talk to any Major City blacksmith and chat with them. They will bring you to the NPC to "clean" your item. Talk to them and pay for your item to be instantly degraded to +14.
Tranan Underfoe Chat

Velia Cleanse cleanse window

Pros - Fast/Instant

Cons - Cost 100k silver and does not give you blackstone back.

Me personally if I have alot of blackstones I'd rather go to the degrade NPC but once i am at 20 blackstones left I'll do neg karma method.

G. Season Character? Failstacking with Tuvala and more!
Tuvala Gear is actually comparatively easy to enchance. Accessories you can smash them all at 0 FS. The gear however you treat as being 1 level lower than normal gear.
Treat Pri to Duo Tuvala as +15 to Pri Kzarka and so on.
I do think Refined Magical Black stone is only worth it on forcing TRI as it is much cheaper to enchance PRI and DUO using time-filled blackstones.

EDIT: This is what @ MeisterBlack has recommended. He is full PEN Tuvala already so this should be better than what I had. For more information please check at his comment below.

For Tuvala gear

+13 - 10 fs

+14 - 20 FS
+15 - 30+ FS
PRI - 10 FS
DUO - 15 FS
TRI - 28 FS
TET - 40 FS (50?)
PEN - 50/60-80 FS if goes to 100 better change character and enhance starting at 50/60

For Tuvala Accessory

Normal - PRI 0 FS




TET- PEN 45 FS (50?) stopped make another start at 45

The downside of this is you will use alot of time-filled blackstones which you can only get from Seasonal Servers and their weekly quests.

H. Extracting Failstacks
Let's say you ran out of characters to build lower failstacks with. Huge problem right? NO! Failstacks can be extracted through any Major NPC Blacksmith for a price.
These books will allow you to turn your current failstack into an Advice of Valk.
NOTE: If you have a failstack higher than 50, you will need to use a pearl shop book.

Good luck in your enchancing!


Source: https://www.sea.playblackdesert.com/Community/Detail?topicNo=29503&topicType=101&returnUrl=/Community?topicType=101&

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